Monday, April 21, 2008

NSCC Final Animation

Joe Frigginhuge goes to an eating competition. It's not cleaned up and colored, but maybe I'll get to that some day. But the project's requirements asked for a 10 second animation, I think this one is close to 25, so...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

NSCC Group Animation Section

For this assignment The class divided into groups and were given the choice of using the character we have been using or make a new one and then create a 30 second animation. My groups decided to reuse the character and place him in a hat shop, this clip is my segment of the animation, in the complete one the is a piece before and after this one. I also added a few frames for spacing here and there in this version, because it was really fast normally.

NSCC Illustration Projects 2

Yo Night/Light

Done in Photoshop for a Project where I had to make a picture and color one a day scene and one a night scene.

Mural Piece

Made in Photoshop for an assignment where we were given a square to a mural that will be made for the school and make a picture in it.

My College Experience

Project done in Photoshop where we had to try and illustrate our experience at NSCC. Mine is supposed to represent the difference between my 2 years at NSCC because I had to take a year off in between. Puzzle images are below:

NSCC 3D Animation Final

Final project for my 3D Animation class I took during the 1st semester of my 2nd year at NSCC. Made using Maya.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

NSCC Illustration Projects

Glasses Case

This was done in Corel Painter, under the assignment of painting an object from life.


Done in Corel Painter, Objective was to make a Halloween themed picture and try and incorporate the Image Hose tool.

Super Louis-G

Final project was free range for topic and source material, So I made this picture of a parody character in Adobe Photoshop.

NSCC Animation Tests

Run & Jump (Pencil & Paper)

Lip Sync (Tablet & Flash)

Stair Climb (Tablet & Flash)

Lever Pull (Tablet & Flash)

These were a series of projects we were assigned during the first half or so of my 2nd year at NSCC